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Выкладываю материалы журнала "Нью-Йоркер" от 20 мая 2002 года - фотографии от Joel Meyerowitz (WTC archive, Museum of the City of New York), статью Elizabeth Kolbert (на английском), а также стихотворение жителей Нью-Йорка Елены Сосниной "ЖИЛЬЦЫ И НЕ ЖИЛЬЦЫ" и Майка Этельзона "WTC - 11 сентября 2001", Андрея Вознесенского "TRADE CENTER" и стихотворение Михаила Польского "ОДИННАДЦАТИСТИШИЯ" из вышедшего в московском издательстве "ЭРА" сборника "ЖИЗНЬ ОДНА", а также его стихотворение "НИЧТО НЕ ПРЕДВЕЩАЕТ?" |
![]() Finding five more bodies in the south-tuwer pile. Oktober 26, 2001. |
A HOLE IN THE CITY Bordered on the north by Vesey Street, on the south by Liberty, on the east by Church, and on the west by West Street, the World Trade Center site comprises sixteen acres. Without the towers, it seems improbably small, as does the rest of lower Manhattan—shrunken somehow by disaster. The other day, two Spanish tourists who had come to see the site were questioning a police officer on duty nearby. They wanted to know where the second tower had been, and he tried to explain to them that it had been right there, right next to the first, "Dos edificios—no mas" he said, gesturing at the empty space across the street. Much of the area immediately surrounding the World Trade Center site has been reopened only in the past few months. "Please pardon our appearance during renovations," requests a placard posted in front of the Brooks Brothers that served as a morgue in the days after the attack. Some businesses have come back to the area— Starbucks, Century 21—but many have not. The words "NYPD Temp HQ—Med Trauma" are spray-painted in black and red on the windows of a defunct Burger King at the corner of Church and Liberty. On another empty storefront, "God Bless" has been scratched in the brownish-gray dust that still clings to most buildings in the area. Ten House, a fire station at the corner of Liberty and Greenwich Streets, was home to two companies, Engine 10 and Ladder 10. It lost four men, and is now being used as a command center for the recovery operations. "You must have an OSHA card for a respirator," a sign on the door reads. "No card, no resp. Got it?" It was expected that the recovery and cleanup effort would take as long as a year. Instead, the job will be done in less than nine months. Some eight hundred people a day have been working in around-the-clock shifts, carting away more than a million and a half tons of concrete and steel. The statistics, grisly as they are, only hint at the magnitude of the horror. Workers have so far found more than nineteen thousand body parts. At this point, remains of less than half of the two thousand eight hundred and twenty-three victims have been identified. |
![]() Looking southeast from West Street: ironworkers at the site, September 23,2001. |
![]() A column from the south tower, which will be the last piece of the buildings to be removed from the site. March 30,2002. |
Since the disaster, no one who is not directly involved in the recovery effort has been allowed on the site. For the most part, journalists were included in this ban, but, with the help of the Museum of the City of New York and sympathetic city officials, the photographer Joel Meyer-owitz managed to obtain unlimited access. He has made more than a hundred visits, photographing "the pile," as the remains of the Trade Center came to be known, and the men and women working on it, at all times of the day and night. "Life took on a very different quality inside the zone," Meyerowitz says. "Even though you might have been doing ordinary things, they were being done in this pall of smoke and stench and fire and death." So far, he has taken more than seven thousand photographs; he expects to take a thousand more before he is done. For those who want to get a glimpse of the site, the city has set up a viewing platform on Church Street. Every day, thousands line up, even though the view, at this point, is largely unremarkable: some gray construction trailers, men in white hard hats and fluorescent-orange vests, several American flags, and a deep hole in the ground out of which a truck occasionally rumbles. On a recent chilly weekday afternoon, the line stretched from Church Street down Fulton and around the corner onto Broadway, circling the graveyard behind St. Paul's Chapel. The graveyard fence was strewn with several generations of offerings—flags, flowers, stuffed animals, and T-shirts of rescue companies from around the country. As the crowd inched forward, the mood shifted. The chattering grew quieter, then stopped. Once up on the platform, people were allowed five minutes. They saw how little there was left to see, but remained, still looking for something. They took pictures, and then moved on. Elizabeth Kolbert |
![]() Panoramic view, looking northeast from the World Financial Center, across West Street to the World Trade Center site. September 25, 2001. |
WTC - 11 сентября 2001.(*) |
1 |
2 |
Здесь ничего не будет, |
New York. 11 сентября 2002. |
![]() Looking southeast from West Street: ironworkers at the site. September 23. 2001. |
Соснина |
В окна стучатся магнолии голые ветки. |
Снизу - хороший сосед, потому что не слышит, |
![]() Looking northeast from Liberty Street at the surviving walls of the south tower. October 7,2001. |
Андрей Вознесенский
Америка по всем программам: Чей |
Есть вечность зла. Большая кровь побила рейтинг Всё будет: счастье, *"Зубами бобра" американцы
часто |
![]() The view looking northeast from the World Financial Center, as the cleanup neared completion. May 1,2002. |
Михаил Польский
Памяти жертв атаки мусульман на Америку |
Если мы не думаем о Боге,
Если нет нам дела до вечной жизни |
Если то, что мы знаем о Смерти – Да и рядом с нами всегда найдётся |
о нашем трусливом отказе |
![]() The stump of a tree destroyed on the day of the attacks, on the walk leading to the World Trade Center plaza. October 11,2001. |
![]() A mechanic working near Dey Street, at the east wall of the site. March 30,2002. |
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